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Welcome to the UNC Biology Research Community. We are excited to share with you a snapshot of what we do and how we got here. Please explore the videos below from advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs to learn more about the science being done at UNC and how our science journeys began. The videos are organized by area of study. Please check out videos across different disciplines, to get a full picture of the breadth of opportunities for getting involved in research at UNC-CH. Enjoy!

**PLEASE NOTE: Chrome is the recommended browser for video playback.**

If you have been directed to this site for a course requirement, here is a list of guided questions for you to reflect on as you explore the content below.

Neurology and Behavior

Cell Biology (1)

Developmental Biology

Ecology (1)


Genetics and Molecular Biology (1)

Organismal Biology (1)

Microbiology (1)

Plant Biology

Quantitative Biology