Graduate Students
Aguirre Lopez, Luis
Conservation biogeography, ecology, species distribution modeling & multi-scale species interactions
Xiao Feng Lab
211 Wilson Hall
Armijos, Carolina
Genomics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, RNA Biology
Corbin Jones Lab
3001 Genome Sciences Building
Bedsole, Ethan
Molecular biology, immunology
Celia Shiau Lab
2144 Genome Sciences Building
Burger, Isabella
Salamander Ecophysiology, Organismal Response to Changing Environmental Conditions
Eric Riddell Lab
Cadavid Palacio, Susana
High order interactions, community ecology, desease ecology
Senay Yitbarek Lab
3001 Genome Sciences Building
Chen, Dalia
Disease ecology, plant pathology, community ecology
Charles Mitchell Lab
405 Coker Hall
Davis, Elizabeth
Sensory ecology, animal behavior, conservation biology
Ken Lohmann Lab
416 Coker Hall
Doolittle, Alex
Competitive interactions and community structure in microbial communities (focus on mycorrhizal fungi)
Senay Yitbarek Lab
Drennan, Julia
Behavioral ecology, animal communication, phenotypic plasticity
Karin Pfennig Lab
314 Fordham Hall
Edwards, Alan
Mechanisms of cell division, microtubule dynamics, fluorescence microscopy
Paul Maddox Lab
307 Fordham Hall
Frasson, Nicolas
Behavioral ecology, reproductive decisions, and physiology of birds
Keith Sockman Lab
228 Wilson Hall
Ghosh, Debapriya
Drosophila Neurophysiology
Toshi Hige Lab
Hamilton, Matthew
Genetics, molecular biology, immunology
Celia Shiau Lab
4344 Genome Sciences Building
Havens, Hazel
Neuroethology and sensory ecology
Ken Lohmann Lab
416 Coker Hall
He, Lorrie
Phenotypic plasticty, genetics, organismal responses to climate change
Christopher Willett & Joel Kingsolver Lab
Henry, Tab
Neuroethology, Sensory Biology, Conservation
Sabrina Burmeister Lab
318/313 Wilson Hall
Hill, Karl
Evolution, Phenotypic Plasticity, Eco-Evo-Devo
David Pfennig Lab
312 Wilson Hall
Isdaner, Andrew
phenotypic plasticity, eco-evo-devo, evolution, developmental mechanisms
David Pfennig Lab
312 Wilson Hall
Jaramillo Gil, Salomé
Marine ecology, Population Dynamics and Climate Change
John Bruno Lab
342 Wilson Hall
Kose, Cansu
DNA damage repair, cell cycle checkpoints, circadian clock
Aziz Sancar Lab
3073 Genetic Medicine Building
Leon, Joshua
Disease ecology, environmental microbiology, bioinformatics.
Charles Mitchell Lab
405 Coker Hall
Lerch, Brian
Theoretical behavioral ecology and evolution
Maria Servedio Lab
417 Coker Hall
Li, Xin
C. elegans germ line stem cell development
Kacy Gordon Lab
316 Fordham Hall
Lim, Dana
Sensory biology and ecology, animal behavior
Ken Lohmann Lab
416 Coker Hall
Linehan, Jack
Cell shape change and Cytokinesis
Amy Maddox Lab
407 Fordham Hall
Mackiewicz, Alayna
Behavior, sensory ecology, and conservation biology
Ken Lohmann Lab
416 Coker Hall
Marquez, Madelina
Environmental Microbiology, Functional Ecology, Community Ecology & Species Interactions
Sophie McCoy Lab
Wilson Hall
Mayer, Steven
Evolution, Experimental Evolution, Viruses
Christina Burch Lab
3001 Genome Sciences Building
McLaughlin, Grace
Fungal biology, mathematical modeling, image processing
Amy Gladfelter Lab
516 Fordham Hall
McMichael, Benjamin
RNA Biology, Histone Biology, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology
Greg Matera Lab
3344 Genome Sciences Building
Morshed, Syed Monzur
Neuroimmune interaction, gut physiology, microbiome
Celia Shiau Lab
2144 Genome Sciences Building
Mukherjee, Anuraag
Theoretical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution, Sexual Selection, Speciation
Maria Servedio Lab
409 Coker Hall
Nguyen, Millen
Brain Mapping, Microscopy, Behavioral Neuroscience
En Yang Lab
2144 Genome Sciences Building
O’Connell, Delaney
Magnetoreception and navigation; simulation of behavior and migration
Maria Servedio Lab
301 Coker Hall
Oliveaux, Shelby
Systematics, Phylogenetics, Morphological variation
Karin Pfennig Lab
312 Wilson Hall
Peak, Stephanie
Coral ecophysiology, genetics, and symbioses
Christopher Willett & Karl Castillo Lab
Reinhardt, Emma
Ecology, behavior, sexual selection
Keith Sockman Lab
228 Wilson Hall
Sapp, Ian
Community Ecology, Trophic/Competitive Interactions, Marine Ecology
Sophie McCoy Lab
337 Wilson Hall
Sethna, Jadyn
Animal Behavior, Sensory Biology, and Conservation
Ken Lohmann Lab
302 Coker Hall
Shouse, Eva
Cytokinin signaling in rice
Joe Kieber Lab
4144 Genome Sciences Building
Silva, Isabel
Marine ecology, subtidal community dynamics
John Bruno Lab
342 Wilson Hall
Smith, Elizabeth
Hormone and Clavata regulation of plant shoot development
Zachary Nimchuk Lab
4144 Genome Sciences Building
Urquia, Diego
Ppulation genetics, molecular ecology, genomics, bioinformatics, DNA-metabarcoding
Corbin Jones Lab
3001 Genome Sciences Building
Wang, Chih-Ming
Neurophysiology, Learning and Memory
Toshi Hige Lab
2144 Genome Sciences Building
Wei, Nicole
Genetics, Molecular Biology, Immunology in Zebrafish
Celia Shiau Lab
2144 Genome Sciences Building
Zhang, Jiahe
Neuroengineering, Learning and Memory
En Yang Lab
2144 Genome Sciences Building