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Biology Graduate Students featured in Grad School Magazine!

August 25, 2021

UNC Biology graduate students Isabel Silva Romero and Diego Urquía have been featured in the UNC Grad School Magazine. The article, “Passion for the Galapagos Brings Universidad San Francisco de Quito Alumni to Chapel Hill as Graduate Students,” describes the students’ journey from Universidad San Francisco de Quito to UNC-Chapel Hill. Congratulations, Isabel and Diego!

From the article: “Two incoming Ph.D. students share a love for South America and for the intricate ecosystems and wildlife that support it. Isabel Silva Romero and Diego Urquía are joining the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as international students thanks to a longstanding connection between UNC Center for Galapagos Studies and Universidad San Francisco de Quito, where the pair completed their undergraduate studies.”

For detailed profiles of the two students, read the article here.

Ahmed Belghith selected as NIH UGSP Scholar!

July 19, 2021

Congratulations to UNC Biology’s own undergraduate student, Ahmed Belghith, who has been selected as one of 15 students in the nation to be a UGSP Scholar with NIH! According to Teaching Assistant Professor Eric Hastie, this is extremely prestigious and includes a scholarship, summer internship, and one-year employment opportunities after graduation. Check out the program’s website here:

Delaney O’Connell’s first publication as a graduate student!

July 8, 2021

Delaney O’Connell, a Ph.D. student in Brian Taylor’s lab, has been featured in the Journal of Theoretical Biology. “A computational framework for studying energetics and resource management in sea turtle migration and autonomous systems” is O’Connell’s first publication as a graduate student. Congratulations, Delaney!

Some of the article’s highlights include, “Evaluated migration performance for a variety of tracking tags, demonstrates the effects of tracking tags on the ability to navigate and forage, demonstrates energy usage and path efficiency for different tracking tags, findings and software can aid in development of field work studies.” The paper also features collaborations with four principal investigators: UNC Biology’s Brian Taylor, Susan Piacenza (Department of Biology – University of West Florida), Joseph Piacenza (Mechanical Engineering – University of West Florida), and John Faller II (Computer Engineering Program – California State University: Fullerton).

Read the full article here.

Emily Harmon awarded the 2021 Howard McCarley Research Award!

June 30, 2021

UNC Biology graduate student Emily Harmon has been awarded the 2021 Howard McCarley Research Award from the Southwestern Association of Naturalists (SWAN). Congratulations, Emily!

From the press release: “The Southwestern Association of Naturalists is pleased to announce that graduate student Emily Harmon was presented with a 2021 Howard McCarley Student Research Award for her research project entitled “The role of parental environment in shaping phenotypes.” Emily is pursuing a Ph.D. in the Department of Biology with her major advisor, Dr. David Pfennig, Professor. The Southwestern Association of Naturalists is an international association of scientists, educators, and students, founded in 1953 to promote the field study of plants and animals (living and fossil) in the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America. The award was announced at the annual meeting held virtually in April.”

Kingsolver Lab featured in UNC Endeavors!

June 29, 2021

Congratulations to Professor Joel Kingsolver‘s lab for their feature in UNC Endeavors. From the “Caterpillars in the Coal Mine” article: “Butterflies and moths are indicators of the overall health of an ecosystem. Through fieldwork, lab experiments, and computer modeling, researchers in the Joel Kingsolver Lab strive to understand how changing temperatures are impacting the relationship between certain species and the plants they live on.”

Check it out here.

Dan Ruiz featured in UNC Endeavors!

June 24, 2021

Congratulations to Dan Ruiz on this UNC Endeavors article! Check out this amazing Chancellor Science Scholar and one of UNC Biology’s amazing undergraduates at this link:

A big (belated!) congratulations to all our May 2021 Biology PhD graduates!

June 16, 2021

A big (belated!) congratulations to all our May 2021 Biology Ph.D. graduates! This is a huge accomplishment and the department would like to extend our appreciation for all your hard work over the years. We wish you the best of luck in your next phase of life!

Kevin Cannon (Gladfelter lab)
Therese Gerbich (Gladfelter lab)
Pranav Khandelwal (Hedrick lab)
Jeeyun Lee (Willett lab)
Megan Elizabeth Moore (Kingsolver lab)
Bryan Reatini (Vision lab)

Andrew Willoughby featured in Plant Biology!

June 7, 2021

Andrew Willoughby, a Ph.D. student in Zachary Nimchuk’s lab, has had their first review paper published in Current Opinion in Plant Biology. Congratulations, Andrew!

From Andrew’s Twitter: “My first review paper just published about CLE signaling in plant development! This link is good to view/download the paper for 50 days without needing to have access to the journal (which I don’t even have).” Check out the article here.