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Greg Copenhaver named Director of the Institute for Convergent Science!

June 6, 2022

Congratulations to Greg Copenhaver for being named both the Chancellor’s Eminent Professor of Convergent Science and the new director of the Institute for Convergent Science! According to this article, “As director of the Institute for Convergent Science, Copenhaver will bring multidisciplinary teams together to address society’s most intractable problems to benefit the citizens of North Carolina and beyond.” Congratulations, Greg!

Logan Brackett earns College’s 2021-2022 Award in Management!

June 1, 2022

Congratulations to Logan Brackett for winning the UNC College of Arts and Sciences 2021 Award in Management! From Interim Chair Steve Matson, “Once again, Logan Brackett has been recognized by his colleagues for his work in our department. Logan was a finalist in the University Managers Association (UMA) Manger of the Year recognition. The UMA is a university wide organization. He was honored at a virtual ceremony yesterday afternoon… We are very fortunate to have Logan working in Biology. Again, congratulations are due.” Be sure to check out the article here.

Congratulations, Logan!

Congrats 2022 Ph.D. Graduates!

May 9, 2022

A big congratulations to all our May 2022 Biology PhD graduates! This is a huge accomplishment and the department would like to extend our appreciation for all your hard work over the years. We wish you the best of luck in your next phase of life!

Meggan Alston (Willett lab)
Gina Calabrese (K. Pfennig lab)
Catherine Chen (K. Pfennig lab)
Nazli Deger (Sancar lab)
Grace Di Cecco (Hurlbert lab)
Sean James (Nimchuk lab)
Anais Monroy-Eklund (Laederach lab)
Lewis Naisbett-Jones (K. Lohmann lab)
Jonathan Rader (Hedrick lab)

Frank Conlon’s Lab makes Heart Disease Discovery!

April 28, 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Frank Conlon’s lab for making an important discovery implicating non-cardiac genes in congenital heart disease. From the article: “The UNC-Chapel Hill lab of Frank Conlon, PhD, and colleagues conducted experiments to show how a non-cardiac protein subunit interacts with three cardiac genes known to be mutated in patients with congenital heart disease.” Read more here.

Amy Shaub Maddox named Whitman Center Fellow!

April 28, 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Amy Shaub Maddox for being named a Whitman Center Fellow. According to their website, “A diverse group of 29 scientists from universities and research institutes around the world have been named 2022 Whitman Center Fellows by the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL). These fellowships enable exceptional scientists, including Early Career Fellows, to conduct independent research at the MBL and take advantage of its unique resources and highly collaborative scientific community.” Congrats, Dr. Maddox!

Read more here.

Biology Undergraduates earn Honors and Highest Honors

April 28, 2022

Due to their mentors, working groups, evaluators, and most of all, their hard work and dedication, the following graduating senior Biology majors have earned the designations of Highest Honors and Honors:

Highest Honors

Ralph Alberto
Colleen Bereda
Megan Butler
Meredith Chambers
Kelly Chong
Billy Ngo
Olivia Rice
Yasharth Singh
Kelly Wan


Thidar Aye
Julia Bay
Audrey Bousquet
Henry Bryant III
Angela Chen
Carla Escobar-Tomlienovich
Rajee Ganesan
Chavely Gonzalez Ramirez
Camryn Kellogg
Sriya Kongala
Priya Kosana
Sydney Lai
Tianxiu Katherine Li
Sneha Makhijani
Ryan Merritt
Elizabeth Morton
Valerie Nguyen
Ella Patackis
Tyler Pereira
Aayush Purohit
Paloma Ruiz
Benjamin Silver
Najia Ward-Conyers
Runjie Yuan
Rebecca Zasloff

Copenhavor Lab Published in Methods in Molecular Biology!

April 26, 2022

Jiyue (Jeff) Huang, a postdoc in the Copenhaver lab has published a paper in Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Gametogenesis entitled “Identifying small RNAs and Analyzing Their Association with Gene Expression Using Isolated Arabidopsis Male Meiocytes” which describes molecular and bioinformatic procedures for examining small RNAs made by the cells undergo meiosis to produce pollen in plants.

Read more here.

Congrats BIOL 395 Undergraduate Researchers!

April 22, 2022

On April 20th, 65 undergraduate research scholars from the Biology Department presented posters highlighting their research at our end-of-semester event. These students had completed two semesters of BIOL 395 research credit, and it was a fun afternoon celebrating their research efforts! Kudos to our undergraduate research scholars!

John Bruno and USFQ’s Margarita Brandt receive NSF grant!

April 22, 2022

Congratulations to Drs. John Bruno and Margarita Brandt, of USFQ, for receiving a one million dollar grant from NSF for their research in the Galapagos islands! From the announcement: “UNC researcher Dr. John Bruno and Dr. Margarita Brandt of USFQ are partnering on a three year, one million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation to untangle the interactive roles of temperature, nutrient flux, and predation in structuring the Galapagos marine food web. The project is titled ‘Temperature Regulation of Top-Down Control in a Pacific Upwelling System’ and all work will take place at the Galapagos Science Center on San Cristobal, Galapagos. According to Brandt, ‘This new funding will allow us to understand the effect of temperature on the structure and the functioning of the Galapagos marine ecosystems.'” Congratulations!

Read more about the team and the grant here.

Laura Mendez wins Tri-Beta TA Award!

April 19, 2022

Congratulations to Laura Mendez, this year’s winner of the Tri-Beta Biology TA Teaching award! Every year, the Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society asks senior undergraduate biology students to nominate TAs who they believe are deserving of this award and who went above and beyond for their students. Congratulations, Laura!