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Copenhaver, Gregory P.

May 3, 2011

The genome of any organism is an amazing piece of biology. It is a highly efficient and adaptive information storage, delivery and retrieval device capable of propagating, modifying and repairing itself. As such, understanding how genomes function is central to a broad range of disciplines including genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, developmental biology, and evolution. At the broadest level our lab is interested in understanding how the constituent parts of a genome, chromosomes, function and the dynamic processes that influence them.

To achieve this goal we primarily use the model flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Arabidopsis has a number of characteristics that make it a great organism to study fundamental biological principles. It has a small “completely” sequenced genome with only five chromosomes. It is readily amenable to genetic, cytological and biochemical experimental approaches and it’s near world-wide distribution makes the use of natural variation a powerful tool. Also, here in the biology department at UNC-CH there is a particular emphasis on the use of Arabidopsis as a model system.

My lab is primarily interested in understanding how meiotic recombination is regulated at the genomic level in higher eukaryotes. While significant progress has been made in understanding many of the molecular components of the recombination process in lower eukaryotes like the yeast S. cerevisiae, far less is known about similar functions in complex multi-cellular organisms. Because of the complexity of higher eukaryotic genomes, the high level of gene duplication and divergence, the presence of DNA modification and the organization of multiple chromosomal domains into heterochromatin the molecules that govern meiotic recombination in these organisms are likely to be novel and of significant biological interest. Additionally, their identification may have practical benefits, contributing to our understanding of human disease genes and providing useful tools for agricultural bioengineering.

A second research area in the lab is investigating the role of centromere DNA in chromosome biology. Centromeres are the chromosomal domains that direct segregation during cell division by mediating a number of critical functions including: attachment of the chromosomes to the spindle microtubules, nucleation of kinetochore proteins, and maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion. Arabidopsis centromeres are some of the best characterized among higher eukaryotes. Currently the efforts in the lab are focused on obtaining a complete definition of the DNA within the genetically defined centromeres of Arabidopsis.

Grant, Sarah R.

May 3, 2011

Interaction of plants and microbes. I no longer supervise students or postdoctoral fellows. I remain a member of Jeff Dangl’s research group. The Dangl group investigates the plant immune system and its influence on the communities of environmental microbes associated with plants.

See publications here.

DeSaix, Jean S.

April 28, 2011

Teaching Awards

Biology Teaching Assistants’ Orientation Documents

Academic Resources: Word doc, PDF

Campus Activities

Professional Activities

  • Co-Author of Test bank for Campbell, et. al. Biology.
  • Past member of the Development Committee for Advanced Placement Biology
  • Current member of the Development Committee for the CLEP, PRAXIS, DAT and OAT exams
  • Consultant for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and other evaluation organizations
  • Reviewer for introductory biology textbooks

Gensel, Patricia G.

April 28, 2011

Pat Gensel’s research emphasizes the study of fossil plants of Devonian age, with the goals of contributing data about their morphology, structure, evolutionary relationships, and overall patterns of evolutionary change. She also conducts research on plants of Lower Carboniferous age, with the intent of better understanding whole plants, phyletic lines, and evolutionary change in the time immediately following the Devonian. Research on plants of Late Cretaceous age from North Carolina is also underway, particularly on conifers and angiosperm wood; collections of leaves and flowers await study — this is a period of time of radiation of early angiosperm groups and this region has been little studied for over 50 years. She is interested in plant morphology, pteridology, and palynology, especially aspects of in situ Devonian spores, stratigraphic applications, and the use of pollen or spores in systematic and phylogenetic analyses in modern and fossil plants.

Feduccia, Alan

April 28, 2011

At a Glance

  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Vertebrate Evolution and Systematics
  • Avian Evolution and Paleontology
  • Conservation Biology

Curriculum vitae |   Biography   |  Selected Articles  |  Book Covers  |  Journal Covers

Journal of Ornithology-2015 (Propatagium)

Topsy-turvy phylogeny-2015

Journal of Ornithology-2014 (Archosaur)

Cretaceous Research-2014

The Auk-2013

New Scientist- 2012

Proceedings of the Royal Society-2007

 Journal of Morphology-2005

Trends in Ecology and Evolution-2003




Alan Feduccia’s research centers on the origin and early evolution of flight, feathers, and endothermy. He is also interested in the evolution of birds through the Tertiary, the origins of flightlessness and the evolution of other morphological specializations in the world avifauna, and avian systematics in general.

Burmeister, Sabrina

April 27, 2011

Broadly, I study the mechanisms of social behavior with an eye toward evolution. Like all neuroethologists, I am interested in understanding the mechanisms of behavior, in part, because understanding these mechanisms can inform our perspective on behavioral evolution by revealing the sensory, cognitive, or motor substrate on which selection acts to shape the behavior of organisms.

We study the social behavior of frogs because it is simple and easy to manipulate in both the lab and field. Ongoing projects include:

  • the neural and hormonal mechanisms of mate choice in túngara frogs and spadefoot toads
  • the neural and hormonal mechanisms of parental care in dart frogs, and
  • the spatial cognition of dart frogs

Technically, our research employs molecular cloning, in situ hybridization, quantitative PCR, immunocytochemistry, radioimmunoassay, and behavior analysis.

Crews, Stephen

April 21, 2011

At a Glance

  • Formation and differentiation of Drosophila neurons and glia
  • Regulation of nervous system transcription

Our laboratory is concerned with the molecular mechanisms that govern the development of the Drosophila central nervous system, including: (1) how nervous system precursor cells are generated, and (2) how neurons and glia acquire their differentiated properties. The primary focus of the lab is using genomic technologies to study the regulation of transcription during neuronal and glial development.

Baldwin, Albert S., Jr.

April 21, 2011

My laboratory is broadly interested in how differential gene expression is controlled. One major effort in the laboratory is the study of the transcription factor known as NF-kB. NF-kB serves as the prototype of the inducible transcription factor since it is found in the cytoplasm of most cells in association with an inhibitor known as IkB and since its movement into the nucleus can be induced by various physiological stimuli. Once in the nucleus, NF-kB regulates a wide range of critical genes including those involved in cell growth control and in immune and inflammatory responses. In addition, NF-kB is a critical regulator of HIV gene expression. Present studies in the laboratory are focused on identifying the signal transduction pathways involved in activation of NF-kB and the role of this transcription factor in mediating diseases such as cancer and in controlling apoptosis.

Bautch, Victoria L.

April 13, 2011

We study the growth and interactions of cells in their natural environment – the animal – and how these interactions are modified in disease. We focus on the mechanisms that control the process of blood vessel formation, which is crucial to successful development and required in cancer and other diseases. There are currently several areas of investigation that utilize genetically altered mice and cells derived from those mice.

  • We developed a cell culture model of developmental blood vessel formation to study cross-talk between cellular processes such as cell division and sprouting migration to expand vessel networks. Mouse embryonic stem cells are induced to differentiate in dishes to form structures that contain some embryonic tissues, including primitive blood vessels. We have incorporated GFP reporter genes to visualize the dynamic processes of blood vessel formation via time-lapse imaging, and we have used both genetic manipulation and inhibitors to dissect the role of an important signaling pathway (VEGF) in these processes.
  • We study the role of a novel gene that activates cellular homologs of oncogenes (ie Ras) in the proper function of blood vessels. We showed that while this gene is not required for development, it is required for the response of vessels to phorbol esters, which are tumor promoters. This suggests that the signaling pathway using this gene is important in diseases such as diabetes and cancer, and we are testing these models.
  • We investigate how blood vessels know where to go as they form, by using chimeric embryos that consist of a host bird embryo with inserted mouse tissue. This technique allows us to determine the migration patterns of blood vessels over time during fetal development, and we can genetically manipulate the mouse tissue. We can also introduce exogenous DNA into the host via electroporation of the embryos. This analysis has thus far uncovered a crucial role for VEGF in the patterning of vessels around the neural tube, which will form the brain and spinal cord.