Congratulations to the Phi Beta Kappa Spring 2023 Inductees! Check out this article on the society and this semester’s inductees.
Congratulations to:
Oyindamola O’temu Ajasa
Bilar Nizar Azzam
Connor Jarrett Blevins
Garrison Wallace Bullard
Natalie Lauren Clark
Rami Zahi Darawsheh
Valerie Dartey-Hayford
Navya Dixit
Amber Doan
Luke Joseph Diasio
Thomas Wayne Doss
Simon Wilkes Ellington
Mitchell Millett Kent
Casey Lepley
Lauren Ellison Lowe
Jade Kristen Monday
John Garnett Nelson (bio minor)
Isabel Nichols
Katherine Brittain Reeves
Renee Elizabeth Reeves
Caroline Richter
Clara Louise Shertzer
Claire Nicole Skinner
Grayson Spencer Sword (bio minor)
Lucian William Tessier